We will weigh, measure and prepare you fresh, tasty, and balanced daily meals from the best raw produce for each workday – the menus have been prepared in collaboration with our chefs and nutritionist.
2100 kcal
Balanced menu
5 meals a day
95 €
31.67 € / Day
298 €
29.80 € / Day
575 €
28.75 € / Day
833 €
27.77 € / Day
Please select a package period from above
Choose one or more options here. If you have other special requests, please be sure to check with our customer service (info@smartfood.ee or +3725052801) before placing an order, whether we can fulfill these requests. If you place an order without receiving confirmation, we may not be able to fulfill them. In this case, we will refund the cost of the order minus 1 day’s fee.
1.00 € / day
0.50 € / day
0.25 € / day
First name *
Last name *
Phone *
Email *
NB: Looks like we need to check if delivery to this address is possible. Please send your exact address and information whether it is a private or apartment building to the email: info@smartfood.ee. We will respond as soon as possible!
Please enter an address above
NB! If the delivery method of the thermal box does not suit you for some reason, please contact info@smartfood.ee or +372 505 2801
Is access to the territory limited with a gate or a barrier? *NoYes
Please specify *
Is there a dog at the territory or in the yard? *NoYes
Is the building entrance locked? *NoYes
Please specify where does the courier leave the thermal box? *
Please specify the floor number *
Additional information for the courier (optional)
Please select building type above