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Personal approach

Macro-balanced and chef-prepared meals delivered to your door. Simply heat & eat!

Choose a package suitable for your calorie intake needs

We prepare the food, you save time

We deliver a whole days worth of meals every morning

How does SmartFOOD work?

Choose the right size package for you

With our calorie calculator, you can calculate the right amount of calories that meet your daily energy requirement. Each package includes 5 meals per day.

We prepare the food, you save the time

All the dishes are prepared in our professional kitchen. We prepare fresh and delicious foods from the finest ingredients, every single working day.

Ready-to-eat meals delivered every day

Choose a suitable time slot for when our courier will deliver the food package to your home or office. We use biodegradable packaging for our meals.

Manage your orders in the customer portal

As a registered user, you can specify break days and any changes in the delivery time and address. You can sign up to this when you place your first order.

Our foods do not contain


Flavor enhancers

White salt

White sugar


SmartFOOD helps

To lose weight and help maintain a desired weight

To eat healthy and balanced so that you can get all the daily vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and macronutrients as specifically required by your body

To feel energetic all day and achieve more

To save you precious time when there is not enough time to plan a menu, go to the grocery store, cook or do the dishes

To make your working week more convenient and stress-free

To help you fit into your favorite dress for a special occasion

To encourage a fresh start – we will help you set goals so that purposeful actions can lead to satisfying results


The SmartFOOD menu is put together in collaboration with a certified chef, a nutritionist and a personal trainer. We want to prove that healthy food is more than vegetables and smoothies. Healthy food can be versatile, exciting and most importantly – totally delicious!

8-grain porridge with bran, hemp seeds, strawberries and honey

Banana-mango-coconut smoothie

Pesto chicken fillet with roasted vegetables and whole grain noodles

Carrot sticks with fine herb hummus

Lightly salted salmon fillet on a bed of fresh salad with a 5-minute egg and quinoa

NB! You can also choose a meat-free, fish-free or lactose-free package


Triin Luhats


After 2 weeks of using SmartFOOD, I have to say that I haven’t eaten so much in one day in a long time:) It was very nice that every day there was a fresh smoothie or juice or fruit, often also seeds and nuts. I enjoyed soups and seafood and fish. After this trial period, I’m actually less tired, I keep my weight stable and my stomach feels somehow happier:) This kind of personal approach suits me very well, considering the habits of my body and the peculiarities of my lifestyle.


I still cook myself, but I dare to recommend SmartFOO to those who have a busy lifestyle and want to control their body’s nutritional needs.

Katrin Pihela

Marketing and communication

I’m quite a bad eater during busy times, also pastries and other random bites get in my way. I tried SmartFOOD with the aim of eating more healthily and making my meals more regular and nutritious. Of course giving up pastries was difficult, as well as drinking water in the recommended amount – but these 10 days made me drink significantly more water, I didn’t skip meals and there was more fresh food on my menu. Among other things, I also got inspiration what I could try to cook at home. Simple overnight porridges, pastas and truffle omlette became special favourites.

Henry Kõrvits aka Genka

Singer and producer

I used to think that one thing I would need, is a personal chef. Not because my wife can’t cook, but because it takes too much time to go food shopping and prepare balanced, healthy and good food. And nowadays – nobody has time. Yes, I don’t have time either, it’s even hard to find time to sit around the table with my family.

The chefs of SmartFOOD solved this problem for me – the correct intake of calories and delicious food led to a 9 kg weight loss in the first month. I slept better and it’s a good feeling to know that on top of everything, the body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

I sincerely recommend SmartFOOD to anyone whose fast pace of life has pushed them to the so-called “gas station diet”. This concept just works, it’s delicious and of high quality, and I don’t have to think about what to eat tomorrow. I just eat.


Tuuli Rand


SmartFOOD is an easy and convenient way to enjoy healthy food. Registration was fast, the menu varied, and orders were always delivered on time. It has never been so easy to take care of your nutrition without any extra effort. I definitely recommend it to everyone who appreciates healthy and convenient lifestyle!

Krõõt Tarkmeel


I really appreciate the emotions that wonderful food experiences are able to create and I look up to creators who have dedicated themselves to the magic of cooking, but unfortunately, somehow it has turned out that working in the kitchen is not one of my favourite activities. I know how to make a great omlette thanks to my French ex-boyfriend from years ago, and my fiancee is always happy when I make pesto pasta, but that’s about it:)

Considering the above, I was very grateful when SmartFOOD gave their helping hand for a couple of intense weeks and saved my life so that I could focus on what was important. It is very welcoming that living a gluten-free life is becoming more and more pleasant and easier, because SmartFOOD is also starting to offer a gluten-free menu, and I was very happy to be among the first tasters. During the past two weeks, when I opened the morning courier package, I was never disappointed, and I also received several inspiring ideas for those special days when I have time and desire to spend more time in the kitchen. I also learned about myself that I absolutely do not like edamame beans, and that a plum smoothie is something I could drink for just about every meal. 💜

Rita Rätsepp


SmartFOOD is tasty, healthy and a very convenient service. Fits perfectly with my rythm of life, making my work days easier. The day starts with a bag of ready made meals brought by the courier to my doorstep, and I don’t have to worry about what to cook today, about going to the store or about thinking what to get from there. All 3 delicious main meals and 2 snacks are already prepared by professional chefs. One can get used to this kind of life:) It is especially convenient that you can take the meals with you to work.

Kethi Uibomägi

Singer and TV-host

Nutrition is very important to me and I consider it, along with good sleep and exercise, to be the foundation of well-being. I have used SmartFOOD to make my life easier many times over the last few years.

I made my first order in April 2019, when I had long rehearsal days in Estonia Theatre for the preparation of the upcoming musical. I couldn’t have found a better option between dance rehearsals and singing lessons than what their varied menu could offer. I knew that I would get the necessary calories and vitamins to keep my body strong and recover from active days.

In 2021, I used their service for 4 months in a row, because the construction of my kitchen took longer than expected. It was extremely convenient to order food to the TV-studio and I could be sure that I would cope better with stressful days because I had one less additional responsibility, cooking. It also helps to save time in busy periods of life.

Now, after several months of monitoring my diet and cooking at home myself, I wanted a little change to my meals and the option to have top chefs cooking for me – from seafood to lamb chops and delicious salads. I’ve been trying some of their recipe ideas myself  and my favorites are the overnight porridges, egg butter for breakfast and light soups for the evening. I have also converted several of my friends to the faith of SmartFOOD 🙂

Merike Minlibajeva

Hairdresser, hair salon owner

SmartFOOD helped me to stay focused on the important things during the busiest time of my life, without worrying about cooking or binge eating during the week. The meals were tasty and balanced, this kind of healthy diet was exactly what I needed, it gave me energy and the will to do even more and move faster. Very happy that  SmartFOOD has been such a good helping hand for me in taking care of myself.

Laura Valk

Women's self-love teacher

I used SmartFOOD two weeks before an important project in order to make the diet as healthy as possible and at the same save time from shopping and cooking. The tasty menu varied a lot and greatly exceeded my expectations, because I used to believe that food delivered by courier in the morning could not be as fresh and tasty in the evening. But it can. My favorite dishes were scrambled eggs with truffle, boršš, Asian noodle wok and of course various smoothies. Since there was also enough food in terms of quantity and often it was not possible to eat everything, there was never a desire to snack on something unhealthy. I also liked that for example dark chocolate was used in breakfast cereals and snacks, which also took care of my sweet tooth. I will definitely continue using SmartFOOD during busy and stressful periods, when there is simply no time to spend in the kitchen or I tend to overeat due to stress.

Jana Boberg

Make-up artist

The experience with SmartFOOD definitely made my life much easier, especially with two small children and work, because during busy working days I can’t pay attention to the food I put in my mouth. A frequent mistake in my case has also been too long breaks between meals, SmartFOOD solved this problem – so when my energy level dropped, there was something tasty to eat right away:)

I’ve never been counting calories or measuring food quantities, so it was particularly special and I felt well taken care of, because all the food with suitable calories and balanced macros was already outside my door early in the morning, which meant that I could focus calmly on my main daily activities 💚 Thank you SmartFOOD!

Mari Martin

Creator and designer of Tallinn Dolls

SmartFOOD makes my life easy and helps me devote more time to designing. The foods are super-tasty and healthy and not to mention that my daily meals are brought home to my door every morning.

Indrek Sei


6 weeks of well-coordinated, strict nutrition – what a ride, you might say! In fact, it has been one of the most educating and effective activities that addressed my overall health and wellbeing.

For me, SmartFOOD’s concept of food itself has even more accurate thinking and logic – how, what, when and why I eat something and how those choices help me retain the most energy from the foods I eat.

SmartFOOD, for me, is a smart diet that gives me a clear overview and direction on how to regulate my diet in the right way so that it provides me with all the necessary energy without the overthinking and crazy extreme diets that serve little purpose.

Kertu Jukkum


I used SmartFOOD to prepare for a marathon to ensure a varied and balanced daily diet. It is especially important to me that SmartFOOD foods are free of preservatives and any flavor enhancers. There is no white sugar or salt. This is generally quite rare in today’s food market in my opinion. I believe that although I made above-average choices in my diet before, the new experience with SmartFOOD took my daily diet to a new level.

Hendrik Sal-Saller


I have been using SmartFOOD for a few months now and I am very pleased. Previously, I chose two cappuccinos over real food for breakfast, during the day my diet was relatively chaotic and for dinner I ate mega large quantities.

With SmartFOOD, the diet is set for you – 5 complete meals are delivered in the morning, that’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks, meaning that every two to three hours you have something to eat. The good thing is that hunger can’t even come to mind, and you don’t have to think about when and where you can grab a bite.

Of course, it’s amazing to know that I’m eating healthier and achieving a wholesome balance of my required daily nutritional intake, but one of the biggest benefits I truly feel is that I have way more energy  – I’m not tired by the evening and therefore I’m getting more out of my days.

Heidy Purga


In addition to feeling super good, the menu prepared by SmartFOOD also gives you many innovative ideas on how to make your everyday meals more interesting and versatile. My eating habits previously were much more hectic in terms of meals and mealtimes themselves. At first, it even seemed as though SmartFOOD’s personal menu was just too much because I wasn’t used to eating so frequently.

Every person who knows themselves well enough will find their key favorites in this menu. Now, I’m definitely more knowledgeable through my experience with SmartFOOD’s, and most importantly, I have a lot more exciting ideas for lunch and dinner. When I go shopping in a hurry, I always choose a variety of produce.

All in all, I felt really good as I had energy for the entire day and rarely experienced tiredness in the day while subscribing to SmartFOOD’s.

Piret Krumm


Until now, all forms of dieting had always completely stressed me out. This sort of stressing about my diet usually ended with me having to console myself with fries and champagne. As a result, and to my own surprise, I didn’t lose any weight and instead, my waist kept expanding like a boa snake with a full stomach.

Before trying SmartFOOD, I never imagined that it would be possible to lose weight without being depressed and hungry all the time.

You can eat super fresh, high quality healthy food, 5 times a day, delivered right to your door- let’s be honest, that sounds like an absolute dream! SmartFOOD is GOOD!

Karin Järvet


My life was made a lot easier and more comfortable by SmartFOOD. I love cooking, but I often just don’t have the time to prepare regular meals due to my busy work schedule. Having time to make regular healthy meals requires great willpower and good time management, leaving little room for error.

SmartFOOD is the perfect solution for such occasions  – every weekday morning, my personalized daily serving of fresh, tasty, and well-balanced food was delivered to my door and I was able to enjoy these meals while in the office, after working out, and even when I was in the café with a friend.

I will continue to order SmartFOOD food packages in the future because I value the extra time that is gifted to me with this lifestyle choice and also because I thoroughly enjoy the delicious dishes that their chefs prepare!

Kadri Laasmäe

On maternity leave

Before SmartFOOD, I believed that a healthy and balanced diet entailed limited choices and the constant feeling of hunger. SmartFOOD, however, was able to pleasantly surprise me in this regard and it opened my eyes to a new way of eating.

I also like the ultimate comfort that comes with the SmartFOOD service – your daily meals are beautifully packaged and delivered to your door every morning, and if there was no time to enjoy them at home, you could easily bring the food along on your daily adventures.

I also liked the fact that the following day’s menu was sent to my email which made it nice to know what to expect for the next day… I was always very satisfied – my stomach was full, my mood was good, and my energy sustained throughout the whole day.

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